Trenchless Sewer Repair

Calling for a sewer repair used to be a dreaded activity. Just thinking about the heavy machinery tearing up your driveway, lawn or parking lot was enough for people to put it off far longer than they should have. The newest sewer line replacements eliminate all of these worries. With a trenchless sewer line replacement we only dig two holes – one at the connection to your house and one at the connection to the city sewer system. No big mess, no uprooting of the landscape, just a one day repair job.

Why Do You Need a Trenchless Sewer Repair?

On site for a trenchless sewer repair in San Diego

There are many different problems that can result in the need for a new sewer and drain system. My Plumber has the experience and expertise to handle all of these problems including:

Broken, Cracked, Offset or Collapsed Pipes

No matter the cause, whether it be from normal wear and tear or poor installation, our team can handle the job. Broken and cracked pipes can occur from outside factors or simply just from daily use at no fault of yours.

Bellied Pipe

Sagging or low hanging pipes that can create standing water issues inside your pipes. Pipes need to be sloped in a straight line so that gravity can move water through it. However, if the pipe dips downward and then back up, water will accumulate at the bottom and create all the nasty standing water problems from mold, insects, and corrosion.

Root Infiltration

Trees or plants keep growing and do not always know to go around your pipes. The roots can sometimes make their way into the pipes and cause a mess of problems. The root can puncture the pipe or push it so deep that it loses connections with other pipes. These sewer blocks can come back repeatedly if not taken care of with a permanent solution.

Frequent Clogs

Recurring clogs or sewer blockages are often a sign of a larger problem. Before you reach for clog clearing chemicals, consider that clogs rarely just happen. Most clogs required a little more assistance than just a cocktail of chemicals.

Drainage Issues

Slow draining can be the sign of a clog, but it can also be from corroded or worn out pipes. A well-trained plumber will inspect your pipes to determine the root cause of the drainage problems. Often times we find that small problems with the pipes actually create those annoying drainage problems.

Off-grade pipe

Pipes that were constructed using materials that may have already corroded. The plumber that initially installed the pipes might not have down it knowingly. Sometimes, the materials we get to save the most money are older than we thought and are in danger of corroding much faster.

All of these instances require the replacement of the sewer line. In cases where you are dealing with a blockage or corrosion issue or have leaky pipes, a relining might be in order.

Benefits to Trenchless Sewer Line Repair

There are many reasons why trenchless sewer line replacement and relining proves to be a better option for homeowners than traditional pipe replacements for blocked drains or sewer pipes. There is no need to dig into the ground to retrieve old pipes, no destruction of your landscape and the entire process is far less labor intensive (so it doesn’t cost as much). The best part is that the job does not require a team of plumbers that are going to completely tear apart your yard. Rather than digging a trench, we would simply dig one hole to access the pipe in order to repair it. Not only does it save you money, but it also saves a great deal of time.

How Does Trenchless Sewer Repair Work?

New sewer lining installed in a San Diego trenchless sewer repair jobDepending on the severity of the damage, there are a few different trenchless sewer repair methods that can be used. For pipes that may be cracked or in danger of severe damage from tree roots, our plumbers can install a pipe liner to coat the cracked and imperfections. They insert a tube that is coated with a resin that sets into the existing pipe. It fuses together to create a completely sealed pipe. This extra layer also makes that pipe extremely durable. This process is incredibly fast and only requires one hole to access the pipe.

Pipe Bursting Trenchless Sewer Repair

More intense jobs might need to do something about that damaged pipe. A process known as pipe bursting can repair that problem, without the need to dig a trench. The process is somewhat just like it sounds: we make the pipe burst. While this might sound like a nightmare, it does not actually cause significant pipe bursting damage. We begin this trenchless installation by digging the two holes mentioned above. Then a steel cable is threaded through the existing pipe from one end to the other. When the cable emerges it is fitted with a bursting head followed by the new pipe. A hydraulic cable puller pulls the bursting head through the existing pipe, breaking it along the way. The old pipe chips are pushed into the existing soil and the new pipe replaces them in the hole cleared by the head. Once the cable has been fully pulled, our licensed plumbers make the connections to the home and main city sewer. That’s all there is to it. The pipe does burst, but only so that makes way for the new pipe.

How Does Trenchless Sewer Repair Affect My Pipes?

With these new innovations in sewer repair, it makes sense that people may have some questions. The most frequent that come up are from people who are worried about how their pipes will change as a result from a trenchless repair. Adding a lining to the pipe or using the pipe bursting method sounds like it adds a lot to the existing pipes, and many think that this may cause issues later. The fact of the matter is that the diameter of the pipe may decrease slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice a difference. The water will flow just as it did before your pipes became damaged. In fact, it can actually increase the flow rate since there are no new joints being added to the pipelines.
It is important to note that going trenchless is not always going to be the best option. It all depends on the damage and what needs to be fixed. For many common repairs, trenchless options will work better, be finished faster, and are a lot cheaper. Our team uses cameras to inspect your pipes and we will be able to discuss the best options for you to ensure the safety and performance of your pipes and sewer, as well as for your wallet. We will support you throughout the process and even stand by once the job is finished. Every new trenchless sewer system we install comes with a 20-year guarantee.

Continued Trenchless Education From My Plumber

My Plumber has added in epoxy sewer lining recently. This process allows us to not tear up yards or drywall to replace a pipe when we can reline it. After a video pipe inspection, we will look to see if an epoxy lining is the best option. This process line your drain or sewer pipes with a long-lasting resin. We strive to add new technology to our services to better serve our customers. See the video below for what a before and after can look like in your home.

Trenchless Sewer Repair Experts
Calling a plumber can often be a stressful situation. You might be worried about getting locked into an expensive repair that will be time-consuming and a huge inconvenience. My Plumber, hopes to educate you and work with you. Our customer service representatives are standing by to hear from you. Give us a call at (877) 729-2381 today!